Cd "secret Voyage"

      Angaben sind ohne Gewähr!!!!!

      8 Songs find ich auch bisschen wenig...

      Ist vielleicht jemand auf einem Konzert in Polen, Russland, Schweden ....?
      Weil die Konzerte sind VOR der VÖ von der CD und da müssen sie ja wahrscheinlich die neuen Songs spielen - sonst wärs ja net die Secret Voyage Tour.

      Also Aufruf an alle, die im "Ausland" aufs Konzert gehen: Mitschreiben wieviel neue Songs präsentiert werden und SOFORT posten!
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      Hallo liebe Mit-Fans :D

      da auch ich sehnsüchtig auf die neue CD warte bin ich Dauergast auf der SPV-webseite und heute sind die neuen Infos gekommen... es sind 12 Songs :

      Lieben Gruß


      New Album " SECRET VOYAGE "
      Release Date: 30 June 2008

      Blackmore´s Night is set to release their new album on 30 June 2008 (Germany: 27 June, USA: 15 July). The Secret Voyage is another kaleidoscopic musical journey through time and space, incorporating and rearranging traditional melodies from all over Europe,blending the "old" and contemporary. The brilliant guitar styling´s of Ritchie Blackmore , the enchanting vocals and lyrics of singer/songwriter Candice Night,and the saturation of authentic Renaissance instruments woven throughout the melodies,create a unique style of music they call Renaissance/Folk/Rock.

      Secret Voyage consists of twelve new tracks, recorded by Candice Night, Ritchie Blackmore and their Band Of Minstrels, This musical journey is inspired by nature and incorporates acoustic and electric guitars, strings, renaissance instruments and Candice Night’s ethereal voice and mystical lyrics.

      Candice Night comments on the new songs:

      God Save The Keg- A grand entrance as you embark upon your secret voyage. Starting on simplified peasant instruments and building to the royal pageantry celebration for the start of the adventure, this song was inspired by a traditional melody and many vats of beer.

      Locked Within The Crystal Ball- The fortuneteller sees our future within the crystal ball, but are the visions locked within that crystal? Taken from the Traditional Medieval melody of Stella Splendens, new instrumentation, lyrics and arrangement transformed this melody into the wondrous path into the crystal ball, the mysteries throughout the ages that mysteriously affect us to this day and the secrets they hold. From the elements to the ancient castle walls, to the standing stones- the olden ways are evident throughout our vast and varied travels around the world. But what secrets do the stones hold, and will they be locked within the crystal ball until we discover them?

      Gilded Cage- Taken from a French traditional melody, and introduced to us by the German band Des Geyers, the gilded cage is representative of the tragic yet fragile and timeless wisps who enchant us and capture our hearts. Whether it is through the medium of stage or screen, through song or story, sometimes those who you hold high on the pedestal are afraid of heights. The spotlight holds the secret that not everyone is as it seems...

      Toast To Tomorrow- Inspired by a Russian traditional folk song, Toast to Tomorrow is a celebration of our lives, our friends, our experiences and our memories. So, grab a glass, laugh, sing and dance the night away!

      Prince Waldeck´s Galliard- One of our favorite castles, Schloss Waldeck in Germany was reputed to have a Prince reside there. This is in honor of him.

      Rainbow Eyes- A Rainbow track recorded many years ago, so many fans asked us to re-record this one in Blackmore´s Night style, how could we say no?

      The Circle- A very powerful symbol throughout the ages. Representing the seasons, nature renewing itself, the earth and moon, and the fact that history repeats itself. Can we learn from our past and allow it to teach us about or future? This musical commentary touches on everything from global warming to the witch trials. Its up to us to respect and protect our connection with the earth and with each other. Will we ever learn?

      Sister Gypsy- She´s the one who beckons you into the wood to dance beneath the moonlight. She is silhouetted by the trees beyond the bonfire. She tempts you to break the rules. She is the wild side hidden within us all.

      Can´t Help Falling In Love- An old Elvis song we had fun playing around with.

      Peasant´s Promise- The true love that blossomed beneath the willow tree. Inspired by a traditional English tune, the Peasant´s Promise is about a love that isn´t based on riches, on shallow needs or desires. The vow of this peasant is that he has only his heart to offer. And that is always enough.

      Far Far Away- Written by a close friend of ours, he performed this song for us one night at an acoustic gathering. The visuals of the castles, the longing and the fairytale ending captured our hearts. By the end of the night, everyone was singing along to the chorus. We now present it to you...

      Empty Words- A sort of reprise of the introduction song, we always find it fascinating how many people are around that speak of absolutely nothing. And yet speak all the time. Silence is a rare commodity and desperately needed in this day and age. Words are so important when they are chosen carefully and so unimportant when they are

      vielen Dank für die Informationen, ...
      auch ich bin gespannt, was uns mit der neuen Platte erwartet.
      Einiges aus dem letzten Beitrag hört sich sehr vielversprechend an, ... zweimal der Bezug zu den Geyers und dann Rainbow Eyes (wie sagte Candice mal über ein anderes Stück: "We put this song through the wonderful Blackmorerising Machine", ... hier bestimmt wieder).

      Wie viel Tage waren es nochmal ? :-))

      was man jedoch vorab sagen kann, gesanglich ist es das beste aller bn alben. candice hat gesanglich richtig zugelegt.
      geschmack und erster eindruck hin oder her, aber so stimmlich sehr gelungen und wirklich gut für meinen geschmack.
      vom ranking wird dieses album einen vorderen platz unter den bn alben einnehmen
      Original von Man on the Suebian Mountain

      vielen Dank für die Informationen, ...
      auch ich bin gespannt, was uns mit der neuen Platte erwartet.
      Einiges aus dem letzten Beitrag hört sich sehr vielversprechend an, ... zweimal der Bezug zu den Geyers und dann Rainbow Eyes (wie sagte Candice mal über ein anderes Stück: "We put this song through the wonderful Blackmorerising Machine", ... hier bestimmt wieder).

      Wie viel Tage waren es nochmal ? :-))

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      Original von Kalle

      Interessant finde ich das Cover, dass einmal völlig anders ist als die letzten:

      (Danke an "More Black Than Purple")


      ja das cover ist sehr aussergewöhnlich und geschmackssache.
      hat jemand den film "die sternenwanderer" von euch gesehen?
      ich denke das wäre eine plausible erklärung für die graphische gestaltung bzw inspiration zur optischen umsetzung für die neue cd

      schönen sonntag euch